Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Desperate Plea...

Friday night’s outreach left me and 2 volunteers standing motionless with tears in our eyes in the middle of a strip club. In the midst of giving out hundreds of gift bags to precious women working in 10 clubs, we came across one woman who moved us deeply. When she first saw us, she thanked us for her gift saying that “we always give great gifts”. She has been in the business for 12 years and we have been visiting her club for the past 6.

“Whether you know it or not, you’ve changed my life” she continued. She explained that because of us, she has come to realize her strength and that she is “good”. She went on to say “I know who you are. And I believe what you believe. I pray to God every night.”

The interaction was all hugs and smiles until her tone suddenly changed and she looked at us desperately. “Pray for me” she whispered. “Pray for me. Please pray for me. I’m lost. I’m so lost. I’m gone. Please, please pray for me.”

Through tears, she repeated her plea again and again, each time with more intensity. Of course we prayed for her and have been since. But the urgency of her appeal stayed with us for the rest of the night. We hope that she will contact us, but until that point, may God touch her heart and life with His loving, transforming hand.

Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we were able to bring a donation of $500 and a basket of gifts for Roberta and her daughters to the hospital where she is being treated for her burns. We were not able to visit her personally, but left a message for the family that our team is here to support them in whatever way we can. A nurse told us that Roberta is still in critical condition and is heavily sedated as her body fights to heal. She still needs our prayers.

700 CLUB
For those of you who were not able to catch the 700 Club episode today featuring my story and the work of Treasures, here is a link where you can watch it now.

Thank you all for your prayers and support!

Harmony and The Treasures Team


Kelly said...

Hi Harmony,
What happened to Roberta?
I am looking forward to watching your 700 Club show, I missed seeing you while you were at Life Center in Tacoma!
Thank you for the work you do for Jesus!

Harmony Dust said...

Hey Kelly,

The last I heard, Roberta is still in critical condition and heavily sedated so that she will not be in pain as her body recovers. I will keep you posted:)