Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What's in a Name?

What’s in a name?

On Friday night, the Treasures team reached 790 women working in strip clubs in Downtown Los Angeles! Some were your typical razzle-dazzle clubs with bright lights and valet parking, while others were dingy joints tucked away near Skid Row.

790. It’s more than a number. That figure represents women—unique, adored, purposed women—and God knows each of them by name. To be known is one of our deepest human desires. One of the encounters we had during the outreach reflected the depth of this desire.

We walked into a small dressing room where a couple of girls were primping. I handed a gift to a half-dressed young woman who was counting her tips. “What’s this for?” she asked. “A gift for you. Just to let you know you are loved.” I responded.

She cracked a smile as she peered into the little pink bag. “Why are you guys doing this for us?” she continued.

I went on to explain that I had been a dancer too and now we go back into strip clubs to offer encouragement and support to other women working there. “You can call us if you just need someone to talk to or if you ever need any help or resources”. Her eyes welled with tears and she threw her arms around me. I held her for a moment and she said her name is Precious.

“Your name is Precious!? Look at the card in your gift! It was made for you!” I exclaimed pointing to the top of the note addressed: “Precious Woman”.

Seeing her name written on the card, she turned away and began to weep.

How significant it is to be known. Sought out. Called by name.

There is a Love calling each of us by name. He sees all. Knows all. And He loves every bit of you. May we be as overcome by that truth as Precious was.

Love, Harmony & The Treasures Team

Harmony will be featured on an episode of Pure Passion TV on Sunday, October 25th.
That's Direct TV #376 & Dish Network #267 at 8 PM (PT).

Friday, October 16, 2009

Roberta Speaks Out...

In the middle of her recovery, Roberta Busby shares her story to help others! Watch the ABC News story below.

Last night, we had the privilege of accompanying Roberta- the survivor of severe burns afflicted in a hate crime- at a Stop the Violence Against Women event where she was a guest of honor.

Our team has been absolutely blessed to walk alongside of Roberta during her healing journey. She is a woman of courage and strength (and great humor) who is not afraid to speak up on behalf of others. We know that this is just the beginning of greater things to come for Roberta. Please continue to pray for her physical and emotional healing and that she would continue to allow God to use what was meant for harm in her life, for good!

ABC Story on Roberta

Love, Harmony & The Treasures Team

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What's New?

Hey Treasures Friends,

Just wanted to give you a quick update on some exciting things we want YOU to be a part of…

* GodChicks-Night of Pink is happening Oct. 17th! Join us for fun, live music, encouraging stories, tips on how to fight whatever battle you are facing, & an unforgettable after party…

* Harmony will be speaking at a Healthy Sexuality Conference on Oct 18th. The message topic will be “Hiding from True Love: In our pursuit of love, are we actually running from it?”…

For information on these and other events, visit

Also, Treasures will be hosting an ART DAY for the girls we work with. We will provide them with art supplies so they can express their journey through painting. To contribute towards materials, donate online and write “art day” in the comments.

World Magazine nominates Treasures for the Hope Award! Check out the article they did on us: My favorite part is when the journalist writes: “Dust never stumbles over her words—in fact, she'll finish your sentences for you if you struggle to be articulate.”

I’m not so sure that’s a good thing, but it gave me a hearty laughJ

World Mag Article

Love, Harmony & The Treasures Team